ProStitch is Australia's premier automotive upholster, dealing with Porsches and other classic and exotic cars. The business is held in very high regard in automotive circles, but it was in need of a identity refresh to better compete on a global stage, and to better align with the clientele and jobs coming in to the workshop. I have created and written a website to showcase the best examples of the work one by ProStitch, and have started to photograph and document each project as it's competed. Being a small business with a very targeted market, the plan is to build the brand through Instagram to further lift its standing in the Porsche community.
Pisani is a new brand that specialises in luxury leather goods inspired by classic cars. Being a massive petrolhead myself, it was right up my alley. An elegant but simple logo was the winning option chosen by my client, alongside collateral and a new e-commerce website built to sell the product. I have written and built the website, and am shooting the product photography myself - a new skill for me. We will also begin to build the brand on social media, to target a very specific car-enthusiast market.
The best brains (and humans) from the MediaBrands business set up their own independent agency, and needed my help to develop an identity for their agency - Avenue C. No surprises that several years later, they're running a celebrated media shop that is growing fast. This is the second iteration of their brand. The first version looked and felt like a start-up that was disrupting the media landscape. But this recently developed identity is a reflection of what they've grown into - smart, straight-talking media experts who are established in their fields. Whilst the logo is classic and free of any visual gimmicks, we've balanced the rest of their identity out with hand-drawn illustrations and statements that reflect their smarts, but also their humour and creating a workplace that is like no other. This has been rolled out on their refreshed website, and within all their internal and external comms and all the Avenue C client presentations.
ChefPrep is an online marketplace that connects the best restaurants to customers across the Sydney via its website. It was an ambitious startup that had trialled successfully, but was in need polished identity and structured guidelines to meet the aspirations of it's founders, the restaurants it had partnered with and the target audience it was hoping to attract. The brief asked for premium cues combined with simplicity, with one of the major visual hurdles being how to incorporate disparate assets and images from partners and suppliers. Another key request was to help develop a framework for the client to be able to easily create their own social content and promotional material.
SGJ Law is a highly specialised firm with skills that cater to a circle of elite clientele. They needed a full brand refresh to go hand in hand with a company restructure and a relocation. The key attributes SGJ wanted to convey with their brand was a feeling of establishment- yet still with a sense of modernity that didn't 'upset' those close to them. Their research highlighted that clients felt secure and assured by their services. It was also very important to them that their staff and prospective hires would see them as being a progressive workplace.