In order to establish Kit Kat Chocolatory as a premium brand, we needed to find a way to make the experience that extra bit special. These were bespoke, hand-made chocolate creations. So the look and feel of every touchpoint needed to communicate handcrafted, artisanal cues. Not only did the packaging and visual ID provide that sense of occasion (and justify a significant price premium), it also opened the usage occasion to a whole new opportunity. Products from Kit Kat Chocolatory were now the perfect gift for friends, colleagues and family. Far more thoughtful and personal than a standard box of Lindt chocolate.

Another crucial part of the experience was creating the instore interface to take customers’ personalised orders. This ordering kiosk was the centerpiece for the ‘Create Your Break’ experience within the store. But for those that couldn’t make it, we also created an ecommerce site that enabled customers to enjoy a virtual experience of the Chocolatory and order their Kit Kat online. For the first time ever, Kit Kat could now offer their chocolatey treats direct to consumers without stepping in to a supermarket which was also a crucial move for Nestlé to consider.

As with any retail store, Kit Kat Chocolatory required a calendar of new releases and products to tempt customers with. And as part of the campaign, we had to find clever and enticing ways to let people know what was on offer. Here’s a taste of some of the creative used to raise awareness of new products in store.
In order to promote the latest products instore and online, we often created visual concepts to launch each product. There were always done on a tight-budget and to maximise the dollars we would often try to find ways of creating video from the stills photography (thanks very much to photographer Stephen Stewart).